Yahuah's Word is truth. It is living, and it is active. It has the power to transform a person from the inside out. When we immerse ourselves in Scripture, with the proper context and perspective, we are changed. We begin to see scripture the way Yahuah intended. We start to think about His thoughts. And we begin to desire what is important to Him. This is what it means to be transformed by renewing our minds (Romans 12:2).
We are called to be a people of
Prayer: Interceding for those who do not yet know Him.
Worship: “You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because the deliverance is of the Yahudim.” – John 4:22
Service: Using our talents and resources to lead others to the truth.
When we live out our callings with humility and obedience, Yahuah is glorified, and His Word is exalted in the world.
Obedient believers, Yahudim, love and
OBEY Him (1 John 3:23-24, 5:2-3)
Sabbath is separate from man's weekday work (Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11)
His Chosen People assemble on His sabbath for worship, fellowship, and instruction (Leviticus 23:1-3, Hebrews 10:25)
Language of scripture is ancient Hebrew
Yahudim (Worshipers of Yah) love and OBEY Him and will keep His commandments, His Torah (John 14:15, 1 John 5:2-3)
Part of being Yahuah's people is to promote His eternal truths, even if they are unpopular and go against the teachings of men.
"The basic meaning of the Greek ekklēsia is assembly or gathering. In ordinary Greek it most often refers to the citizens of a city gathering to decide political issues and less frequently to an assembly of the devotees of a god." ~ earlychristiantexts.com
The church system has taught that Ekklesia, a called-out body, is transliterated as a 'church.' We even have a teaching here in our recordings that teaches the same. However, a deeper study has shed new light on the word Ekklesia. Ekklesia is a political and military term for gathering political and military officials. This Greek word was used centuries before the first century when Yahushua walked the earth.
The English word church is also rooted in Greek. It is not a Hebrew word. The first-century followers of Yahushua were known as Yahudim. Church is a modern word that was not used when the New Testament (Renewed Covenant) was written nor when the men who lived in the first century were alive.
The Yahudim is Yahuah's assembly of believers, consisting of those who have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). Yahuah's Yahudim is not based on race. Yahuah did not enter into a covenant with a race but with a nation of a certain bloodline, Yisra'Al (Israel)—the 12 tribes from the sons of Ya‛aqoḇ (Jacob,) later changed to Yisra'Al. The Yahudim comprises Yisra'Al (Yahuah's chosen people, natural branches) and nations (Gentiles, wild branches) who embrace and follow Torah. Yahuah wants His Yahudim to be a light in this dark world, promoting His truths that will last forever.